The things that MANY successful people have in common

I have always been interested in successful people and what motivates them. My younger self was fascinated by how much money they had but many years down the line it became so much more than that just about the cash.

Life is an experience and we all experience different things at different times. We go through good times, bad times, terrible times, amazing times and times where things are just mundane.

I have experienced great amounts of money and I have been so poor that I could not afford a single piece of bread. I have had amazing jobs and I have had terrible ones. We notice that life is a rollercoaster ride and it is never consistent so do not get comfortable with a steady ride... it will not last forever.

I have put together a list of common things that successful people do and don't do so that people reading this can get a better understanding as to why these people are successful in general.

These go beyond jobs, businesses, countries, races, sex and so on. This is my humble list from which I have put together over many years. You can use this list as you see fit. I am sure that many other blogs have similar things but what makes my blog different is that this is from actual people that I have rubbed shoulders with and not just some wealthy person through old family money or lottery earnings.

Thanks for reading as usual and please support me by adding yourself to my email list.

1. Time

Speaking to businesspeople, interacting with clients and everyday people I always find it is the same thing. They find that time is more valuable than money. I have had many conversations and wanted to find out why and it seems to always be because you cannot get more time but you can always earn more money. Usually, most people trade their time for a job and this is the common way of making a living but it is not the only option out there.

2. Goals with deadlines

Most of the people that I bump into have active goals that they work towards. Regardless of whether they own a business or work for a company, they all have their personal goals that they spend their spare time on. The point here is to use your 'free time' to get personal projects going or to start a side-business to make extra income. Whatever it is that they get up to, they make sure that they have goals and keep working on them. This helps them to avoid getting into a rut or into a comfort zone where they do the same job day in and day out. It also helps them to 'mind' their own dreams and work towards them.

Let's be honest. Most of us that work normal jobs are so consumed by the energy spent on the day-to-day activities that we often just want to go home and relax. The last thing one wants to do is go home and do more most cases.

3. Solving problems

You will find that most successful people want to solve problems and do not want to hear about the drama. Their time is limited and they choose to focus on solving issues in general. This could mean solving a problem that could generate them money, solving personal issues quickly so that time is not wasted or wanting to move on to the next challenge. Knocking each problem out. one at a time until they are all gone.

4. Networking versus Socializing

We always hear about friends that are in bars, clubs, and parties. Most successful people prefer to network on a business level. Meeting people to find out what they do and how they can benefit from each other's professions. This is not to say that they do not enjoy a whiskey or a night out. It simply means that they are not going to be going out every night drinking away without an intention in mind. When they go out, there is an intention to network and meet with other 'successful' people.

5. Making money

Definitely one of the most common trait that they all have. They do not talk negatively about money but always talk about how they can make more. They are overall very positive about money and see it as a needed tool that grants you freedom and opportunities. They are always talking about new trends, what is selling, what is not working anymore, what is dying out and what is to come.

They love talking about money, finding new ways to make money and taking strategized risks to increase their income. They often self-study and research specific knowledge instead of focusing on college education. They read many books about business, money and investing so that they can learn as much as they can about money.

6. They learn from failure

When taking risks they understand that sometimes they might lose but it is still a calculated risk. They go in knowing full well that they might be losing all that money. If they fail and lose then they lick their wounds and learn the lessons that come out of that experience.

It is hard losing but the experience is an experience and they know that the next time will be better. This is where most people get it wrong. They fail and then they do not want to try again. They give up and settle. This is what separates them from the rest. They take the experience and keep moving forward with that knowledge learned.

7. They are up to trying new things

I noticed this with my ex-director. He was always trying and researching new things. He did not know how to do something but he found a way and did it himself. He did not know how to repair cars but ended up with a very successful business, all because he decided to try something new.

This shows us that sometimes our resistance is the thing that holds us back from learning and experiencing new things. Try to allow yourself to be more open to trying different things. You never know if the next thing that you try is going to be the thing that makes you millions. If you don't try you will never know.

8. They hate the words 'no' 'can't' 'won't 'impossible' and so on.

All of them seem to despise negative statements and get really upset. They do not like being told no, saying that you cannot do it, they won't be able to do it or that the thing requested is impossible.

It is almost as if you are insulting them by saying those negative words in their presence. They believe that if there is a will then there is a way and they want to deal with people that have similar views to them. They dislike excuses and want to deal with the best positive attitudes possible.

They want to be around go-getters, self-motivated people and people that try to make a difference. They do not care if you think that they are snobs. They work hard, are the best at what they do and they actually want everyone else to get off their asses and be successful so that they have more friends to talk to.

9. They read

Almost every person that I know that is successful in one way or another is an avid reader. They like to gain as much information as possible as long as it is useful to them. Instead of series, movies, games and reality tv they prefer to listen to audiobooks, read books and watch podcasts.

They educate themselves and spend their time getting better at specific skills. Their time is better spent learning than watching the latest television series.

10. They are self-motivated individuals

This is one of those things that you realize about successful people. They motivate themselves. They seem to have a deep desire to want more and do not let anyone or anything stop them from getting what they want. They are stubborn, hard-headed and highly motivated.

They work smartly and do what needs to be done. They do not like to rely on other's to get what they want. They will even do it by themselves if no one else believes in their cause. They have nerves of steel and do not take prisoners in anything that they do.

They want a piece of that pie and they will find a way to get to it or die trying. Many of them have a partner that is even more hard-headed than themselves. Even successful people have their bad days and that is why they often have strong partners to help them up when they fall down.

Thanks so much for reading this article.
Have a lovely day.

I wish you all the greatest success.
I hope this post inspires you to motivate yourself.

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