How to UNLOCK your MIND

The mind is your most valuable asset when used correctly. We had heard this thing a million times, but we still do not use this in our daily lives. 

Some people think it's nonsense, which is their choice. There are those that believe, and then there are people who have mastered the way their mind works. 

The easiest way to think about the mind is to picture yourself as a computer. You are live until you sleep and that is where you are on standby mode. 

Even though you are on standby mode, there are still processes that run in the background. 

That is the extremely powerful side, but today we will be talking about the general mindset and how a small change in thought can create major changes. 

This article is about real examples of consciousness and how your thoughts, words, beliefs, and actions affect your daily life. 

I know there is plenty of airy-fairy articles out there, but I prefer practical and logical over many things. 

With that being said, I am open to anything that can help us ALL get better. 

1. Self-reflection by admitting where you are at

This can be one of the hardest things that a person can do. It is easy to criticize and judge others, but when it comes to looking in the mirror there is still a biased opinion. 

If you want to unlock your mind then you have to be willing to look at yourself in the mirror and admit everything that you are weak at, look at your failures and look at why your life is not working. 

When you can sit down with a pen and paper to sift through your past then you can move on with your future. The reason this is number one for me is due to the common problem. 

The common problem is the mind, heart, and spirit are not in sync. Your heart wants to do something, but your mind disagrees. 

Your spirit is on fire and ready to take action, but your mind is distracted. The heart is aching and your mind is not helping you. 

Do you see how such simple things can cause such a useless cycle? You see that somewhere there is something that is out of balance. 

You could be trying to convince yourself of something, but deep down you know what the truth is and where you are at.

Social media hasn't helped our cause with fake lives, celebrities, and who is trending, but that is a topic for another day. 

The point is that you need to look at yourself and admit what your true feelings are. You cannot get to where you want to be if you can't even be at peace with who you are. 

You have created a false version of yourself and are now trying to build on that lie. 

Excuse my french, but you need to sit down and cut out all your bullshit. If you feel like a loser, feel useless, feel like your life means nothing and you can sit down and admit that then you are finally ready to move forward. 

You need to own your past and make peace with where you are, and who you are. I used a mind map software to keep a record. 

I listed where I was, what I disliked about myself, what I was doing at that time, how I felt about the work, where I wanted to be next, what I enjoyed doing, what I hated doing and where I wanted to get to. You do not have to do this. 

A simple piece of paper or diary will do, but I wanted something digital and something that I could measure and look back on and make changes if necessary. 

I am not saying that you are a loser, you have to be depressed, angry or aggressive about this. It is about getting in touch with your mind, body, and heart. 

Going through this process helps you to look at everything and see what it is that you want to do, as well as acknowledging your current space. 

When you have written all the negative lists. Sit with them, feel them and say them out loud. When you are finished with the negative one, then say the same thing except turn it into a positive statement. 

The only way, I can explain this is that it cancels out that feeling and puts you at ease. It negates that old negative feeling and helps you to move forward. 

Go through your list and do it for all of them. Take deep breaths for each one while processing. 

Now, that you have gone through each thing that was holding you back, you can now look towards what you want and where you want to be. 

Please note: This list must be your bucket list, except the plan is to start working towards them now, and not waiting forever to reach them. 

2. Breaking your mind's limits. 

The mind is always processing information. Consciously, unconsciously or subconsciously. It waits for no man and is constantly being manipulated by internal, and exterior forces. 

Now that you have dealt with your past, accepted who and where you are we can now look at breaking your limits. I say your 'limits' and when I say this I mean the literal limits that you put on yourself and your mind. 

We can use a simple example is that you will never be a millionaire. I hear so many people say that they will never be rich and So, it shall be. 

Using the word 'never' is a strong word in a negative sense. How can you say NEVER if you have never tried? Did you sit down and put a plan together on how you could do it? Probably not. 

This is a rather large goal for most people So, you can start with smaller things, but you need to start looking at things like this that you put on yourself. Many of these are unconscious, but these stick to you and become your background processes. 

Look at friends that feel that they are trapped in jobs, stuck in their country, can't seem to get out of their ruts. These are the limits that I speak of. You cannot leave your country. 
You cannot find another job. Cannot escape the 9-5. 

Stop telling yourself this nonsense. You need to change the 'can't's' to 'how can I's' so that you can create room for solving these 'issues.' 

I know of these issues because I have had all of them and been through them. I even knew of this knowledge and discarded it for many years. 

Personally, I gave up on believing it and it came back to haunt me, now I use this in my life, and it works wonders. To break free of your limits, you need to be more aware of your thoughts and when you are saying that you cannot do something. 

Your words and thoughts are very powerful. When you think that you cannot do something then you will probably give up. 

Try by using the negative-positive statements that I meant earlier if you do not like asking how you can do something differently. You need to find a way to reverse what you have said and believing, so this can be a powerful tool to remedy your thinking patterns. 

Remember that none of this matters if you are not doing something about this. Be wary of your thoughts and words, after you find out how to cancel the negative you then need to work on breaking your limits. 

You can start with small things like saying that you can do an extra four reps per set on your weights, working an extra three hours on your goals or reaching a higher target at work. 

Watch how the 'can' and 'How can I's' create a better environment for you to work in. 3. Work towards your GOALS. Now that you have gone through your past and your self-limiting beliefs you should now be able to see clearly. 

You will be able to focus on your life's mission. You can now look at where you are and put a plan in place to getting to where you want to be. This is not a smooth road, but with the right mindset, you will succeed. 

You have removed the blockages, the conflicts and can work on solving problems and not creating more of them. Take a look at the things you wrote down on your mind map. 

Those are your long-term goals. What you need to do is work on those goals DAILY and make sure that you reach them. Set daily tasks for yourself, demolish them and move on to the next ones. 

I know that many people full-time jobs, but remember that your mindset needs to be right, and you need to work towards the things that you want. Find the time and energy to do it. 

When you truly want these things then you will find the time to make them happen. Keep up the 'I can attitude' and if negative thoughts, doubts or fears creep in then hit, them back by countering them with positive ones. 

If your tasks are not working, or you are not working. Do not QUIT. Take a look at what you are doing. Write other ways that could solve the problem. Do the research and then get back to it. 

Sometimes we have to try different approaches, but the end goals remain the same. When writing down tasks try to keep them brief, to the point and set up reminders. Make sure that you fit it into your day and try to work on them beyond the allocated time. 

Your self-discipline here gets easier and easier the more you do it. Before you know it, you will be able to manage your entire day if you needed too. 

This is a great skill to have to plan lots of tasks throughout the day, but not necessary unless you plan on being an absolute BEAST. 

If you lose yourself along the way then come back and read this article. I will help if you need it. Just drop me a direct email on 

I will get back to you as soon as I can. The point of this article is to make sure that you never fall again, but life is full of ups and downs. 

We all need someone to talk to now and again. We all have our mentors. I hope that this guide has helped you on some level. 

I urge you to share this article with your friends and family. Subscribe to my email. Remember that I also need my fans to support me, so that I can do this. 

Every like, retweet, reference, email address, share, and pin helps me. 

I want to write even more than this and will be on YouTube soon. 

The plan is to sell some Ebooks and motivate people with self-improvement tips. 

Thanks for reading 
Mr. Lamar Mentz 
Legendary Motivation


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