5 Work Habits that are GUARANTEED to get you RESULTS

Every person has dreams, goals, ambitions and has an idea of what their ideal life would look like.

We have all read books like The Secret, Think and Grow Rich, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind and so on. The problem with these books is that they have keys that you need to find by reading it several times.

They have great ideas, they definitely help and I would definitely recommend them to anyone who wants to improve their lives.

Here is a simple list of straight-forward habits that can help you do more.
The trick is to get into these habits by using your willpower. This can be as easy or as difficult as you want it to be. I promote positive vibes but we all know that life is not black and white. 

There are grey areas but if we really want to get results then we need to improve ourselves and work towards what we want without throwing in the towel.

1. Get up earlier

Did you know that most successful people sleep early? I am sorry to say this, but they are not out and about drinking all night in that bar that you love so much. They go to bed early so that they can rise early.

Get into the habit of getting up early and starting your day off with a shower or bath.
Now that you are clean and fresh you can get ahead of your day by doing things that you usually do not have time for.

What can you do? You can write your goals for the day, figure out what you want to do next and put a plan together or even start your general work for the day earlier.

There are a few ways that getting up earlier helps but mostly it helps you to do more in a day. The two or three extra hours every day add up to an extra 15 hours per week if not more.

I do not know about you guys but I always need more time and getting up earlier certainly helps.

2. Do it attitude

When something comes up, do it and get it out-of-the-way. Those small little things that need to be done end up being a long list of small things later. Prioritize their importance and schedule when you want to do it. If they are important and are more important than what you are doing then stop that and go back to it later.

Too many times important tasks get missed because of putting them off. Take up a 'do it' attitude and move on to the next thing. You will find this to be extremely helpful and if you cannot remember it all then you should always have sticky notes or a diary at your side.

3. Solve Problems

Many people sit with problems and harp on them. Change your focus from the problem to solving them. The sooner that you get to the root of the problem the better. 

Too much time is wasted on the problem but not solving it. The great habit to get into is solving the issue. If it cannot be solved then change what you can. If it is too far gone then you need to change your environment. 

You can change yourself, the environment but you cannot change the person. You can explain to them your feelings, they can explain theirs and you can meet each other halfway. If all else fails then you need to move away from that person or situation. 

This goes for people, challenges, general life issues, and relationships. Life has so many daily problems that need to be solved. We can sit in them or move past them. Where you focus your energy is often where the manifestation lies.

4. Save time 

Stop sitting with things that are a waste of time. Everyone has so much to do, yet they have 24 hours in a day. They cannot complete so many tasks, yet they have time to sit on social media all day.

The situation is so ironic. Everyone is tired, never having enough time but there is always time for movies, series, video games, and entertainment.

Surely we can spend less time on these things and knock off the important things. The entertainment is not going anywhere, but your future could be.

Focus on saving time where possible and spend it on more important things. Time is valuable and you can never get it back.

If you really want to do it you will do it, otherwise, there will always be an excuse.

5. Positivity without being annoying

I think positivity is highly underrated when it comes to working. The general mindset needs to be good, ready and focused on completing your work. Positivity is about you and your mindset. This is not about you carrying on like life is never bad and negative things never happen because that is nonsense.

The world is not all sunshine and daisies so please do not go around and tell people to be positive all the time. It is great to lead by example and to look at the bright side of things but it is really not necessary to preach your sunshine.

Be positive, look at things in a good light and let the positivity shine. It is extremely important to be positive and to have a good view of things, but please do it for yourself. Leave other people be. 

This habit is important because as human beings we need to have hope and be able to aim for things that we really want. Without positivity and action, it is going to be really difficult to believe that you can reach your dreams.

Wake up in the morning. Have a vision board, be excited to work on your goals, look forward to your challenges and learn from your failures. It is ok to be true to yourself. When you feel bad, accept it and find a way to deal with it, then let it go and move forward. These things happen in their own time, just make sure you don't stay there forever. Life is too short to stay depressed.

I hope you enjoyed this article.

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